Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Two warm sunny days

Yesterday we got to a top temp of 16 degrees. It was wonderful. The sun was shinning and it was warm. I got to turn the heater off and air the house. The washing actually dried on the line. Yes, yes I know, it's a bit sad when you have to celebrate 16 being warm, the sun out and washing drying. They said on the news last night that it was the first fine, warmer day in six weeks. Now that's something to celebrate!!!!! Yipee!!!! And today is suppose to be 17......Woo Hoo!!!! The bad news is the weather is suppose to turn yuk again tonight. Showers and cold weather back again. Will have to soak in the sun today and bottle some up!!! Kloe has a special sports expo on at the Indoor Leisure Centre today, she is really looking forward to it. Otherwise same old, same old.

1 comment:

  1. Hope Kloe has a good day- looking forward to seeing some pics. Wow 16 is warm! Enjoy the sun...spring is just aound the corner :)


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