Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Meet Cupcake and Little Moo

Cupcake is the black and white one and Little Moo, the almost black one. They walked right up to Jarred and Kloe on Sunday. They both got to pat them, you have never seen, two more excited kids. They are settling in really well - they haven't stopped munching!
I don't think I have posted a photo, of our other new additions. This is Aussie the Rooster. He is a pure breed Australorp - therefore his name.

and here he is with the other two new pullets. We have named them 'Oi' and 'Oi, Oi'
And two little munkins, that love their sandpit


  1. Too cute! Love the names you have chosen.

    Don't all kids love sandpits! I hate them and the mess they make but the kids love it so what do you do LOL!

  2. They are great looking little calves, I'm so pleased for you all. Love the names :) And that rooster is very handsome indeed.
    Cant beat living in the country can you.

  3. Awwwww how cute. Now I want to see a closeup pic of those beautiful, wet cow noses!

  4. The cows are very cute, your kids are very lucky Mell.


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