Wednesday, March 14, 2007

8 + 1 Visitors

We now have 8 invited visitors and 1 big black steer that decided he couldn't miss out on all the fun and jumped the fence to join in with our 8 gorgeous girls. Dairy farmer Bruce, is letting his 8 lawn mowers have a turn on our land for a few months. We gain lots of "****" great for the garden!! And lots of valuable advice from our new farmer friend. Our uninvited guest was the previous owners steer and was in the padock next to our land (which is owned by his brother in law) We think he was lonely or maybe decided it was just too good to have all those females on the other side of the fence!
8 + 1 visitors
No.8 "Windy" all the cows are named after Essendon AFL Team
And the big black steer - doesn't look very friendly!!

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