Here is our little ANT. Jarred was learning the letter 'a' last week. This week it is the letter 't'. He is loving school.
Everyone else has settled back into school really well. I am loving only having to do, two drop off's and pick up's - not four, at all different times like last year.
I quickly made this for Kloe's teacher. Jarred gave his teacher the red heart, I made a while ago. They were both very excited, to give them to their teachers on Friday, for Valentines Day. Teachers do a wonderful job and it's nice to give them a little something.
We have visitors at them moment. My Dad and his mate are here from Cairns. The arrived very early on Thursday morning. They went to the All Ford Day in Geelong over the weekend. They will be here for another few days and then back on the road again.
1 comment:
We are now back in Cairns. I drop John of at his place and headed home. Boy is it green after Victoria.
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