Wednesday, February 04, 2009

School Time

and so, another school year begins....................

These two little darlings were up very early, dressed and ready for school. They were so excited.

The big and the small

The older two had a few nerves. Zac didn't want us to take him in, he wanted Kayla to take him. Apparently it's not cool any more to be seen with Mum and Dad anymore!!!
They all had a great day and came home very happy.
Jarred doesn't go to school on a Wednesday, during February. They are doing individual assessments during this time and it also give the little ones a chance to have a little rest.
Zac is off for an orientation camp tomorrow - they are going to Port Fairy, to surf, swim and get to know each other.
My calendar is looking very fully already!!!

1 comment:

Brian Bailey said...

Great pictures as usual Floss. looking forward to seeing you all hopefully soon if the floods clear....

Silly isn't you need the rain and we have already had 1.35 mitres so far this year.!!!!!

I trust both Zac is enjoying his school and that Jared has started well.

Hopefully I will not be sitting here much longer but behind the steering wheel heading your way very soon. Could be as late as Sunday before we can get out that's if get no more rain or the low off the coast does not spin up into another cyclone...