Saturday - Happy Australia Day
Cricket.......well it's another one of those "Not talking about it matches" They lost, in a big way AGAIN!
I scrapped on Saturday afternoon. I did the three challenges and card challenge at DIVA's
Sunday we went to South Australia. Sounds like a long way, away doesn't it? It's just over an hours drive from here. We stopped in Nelson to have a look and then went to Mt Gambier. We looked at Blue Lakes. (Picture below) The water is so blue, it looks like they have added dye to the water. Amazing.
Monday - Veggie Garden. Digging up potato's. Chris dug up three plants and we got 9 kilo's of potato's. We had potato wedges for dinner. They were voted "The Best Potato's we had ever eaten"
And our chooks, got their first taste of 'free ranging' around the backyard. Under very close supervision. The dogs are getting use to them, but don't think we could let them out just yet , without watching the dog's every move. OH, and I also had my first experience with clipping a chooks wings. Chris did the holding and I had to do the snipping. After the first one, it was easy.

And tomorrow is Back to School for 2008. Kloe and Jarred are both excited to be going back to school and kindy. Micaela and Zac would rather stay on holidays.
Have a great week!!!
WOW Mel, you have an awesome garden, just browsed around your galleries, your scrapping is amazing too!
what fabby LOs- you are going so well :)
Love the garden and chookie pics, and wow the pics of SA make me sooo homesick. Soon the blue lakes will turn back to brown- did you know they go blue at the same time as these lakes overseas ( China from memory but I may be incorrect) and they only stay blue for a few weeks of the year.
Sounds like you guys are loving Hamilton.
Too bad about the cricket- but its almost footy season!!
I love catching up on all your news and those great pics. Isn't the lake at Mt Gambier just so blue. And your vegie garden is awesome, look at those spuds! YUM. I so wish I had the energy to do our vegie patch properly but I always seem to fail due to lack of water and over-run with weeds :( but hopefully we'll have chooks one day (when DH gets around to building the chicken run - gggrrr).
Your LO's too are once again stunning, I so love your work Mel. You are a very talented woman.
PS. And thanks for checking out my little blog and your lovely comment.
OK all is looking much better than this time last year, Or had you even found you new home at that stage? I remember the first pictures and that very brown baron landscape.
Not long now till I finally get to see it.b
OK all is looking much better than this time last year, Or had you even found you new home at that stage? I remember the first pictures and that very brown baron landscape.
Not long now till I finally get to see it.
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