Our house is very quite, extremly quite..............maybe just a little too quite!! It doesn't feel right. I think we are all missing Kayla and Zac. They are having a wonderful time in Sydney - don't think they are missing us (yet!!) I am not having to run the 'Mum's Taxi service' at all times of the day and night -mmmmmmmmm, that bit I don't mind. Leaves me, to do more fun things like these:
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
What does one do........
When she has no taxi duties???? Gosh, I spend a lot of time running kids around LOL! The last few days, I have had time to play!!
Cards made using Sakura Park range from Kaisercraft
Crate Paper Mia Collection
It is Kloe's birthday on Sunday and we are having a fairy party for her. She wanted a pinata, I looked for a bought one and they were so expensive and horrible, I decided to make one at 8.30 last night. Everything was going along, just nice................almost finished the first layer, when.................yep wait for it
It went all over the kitchen. Flour and water glue sprayed everywhere. I was covered in it. It made such a mess LOL!!!! Yes, I can laugh about it now. I started again. I have put another layer on this morning. Hopefully it will turn out ok. Today we are off to buy party food. Her birthday, always comes around too quickly after Christmas. I wish, she would have waited until the end of the month, until her due date ROFL!!!
Cards made using Sakura Park range from Kaisercraft
Crate Paper Mia Collection

It is Kloe's birthday on Sunday and we are having a fairy party for her. She wanted a pinata, I looked for a bought one and they were so expensive and horrible, I decided to make one at 8.30 last night. Everything was going along, just nice................almost finished the first layer, when.................yep wait for it
It went all over the kitchen. Flour and water glue sprayed everywhere. I was covered in it. It made such a mess LOL!!!! Yes, I can laugh about it now. I started again. I have put another layer on this morning. Hopefully it will turn out ok. Today we are off to buy party food. Her birthday, always comes around too quickly after Christmas. I wish, she would have waited until the end of the month, until her due date ROFL!!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
3 Angels Paint Challenge
Our Challenge at 3AS last week was to use paint. I cut a triangle of bubble wrap and used it like a stamp, to create tree shapes
Another one over
Christmas has come and gone again. They are coming and going, so much faster. Kloe was awake at 5.40am - she was so excited - this kid is never awake at that time - NEVER!!!! She jumped into bed with us, until 6.30, she just couldn't wait any longer. She went and woke Jarred up and they went and woke Kayla and Zac up. Then it was onto the presents...................

A photo of all of us before lunch
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Only two more sleeps
The excitement is building in our house. Only two more sleeps until Santa comes - very exciting. Kayla and Zac are also very excited, as in three more sleeps, they will be on a plane on their way to Sydney, for a few weeks. Our house is going to be very quite.
Photos from Jarred's concert on Thursday - the kids sang a Christmas song. They were all different animals - Jarred was a bird.

They sang twinkle Twinkle little star in Japanese and We wish you a Merry Christmas in sign language - which was just fantastic!!

They did a dance - then we had to join in.

They received a graduation certificate, present and profile book

Then they sang Jingle Bells and look who happened to appear - Santa
Photos from Jarred's concert on Thursday - the kids sang a Christmas song. They were all different animals - Jarred was a bird.

They sang twinkle Twinkle little star in Japanese and We wish you a Merry Christmas in sign language - which was just fantastic!!

They did a dance - then we had to join in.

They received a graduation certificate, present and profile book

Then they sang Jingle Bells and look who happened to appear - Santa
Friday, December 19, 2008
Just a blur
Wow!! Where has this week gone? It has just been a constant blur of activity. Keeping up with 4 children's activities at this time of the year, is hard work. I remember saying the same thing last year LOL! We are on the downhill run now. We only have a few more planned events to go to and then we can all relax and enjoy the festive season.
Monday - Excursion to the Gardens with Kloe's class. We went on a treasure hunt

Wednesday we made these for Jarred and Kloe's kindy/school parties. Jarred had a great time helping me
Monday - Excursion to the Gardens with Kloe's class. We went on a treasure hunt
The lovely peacock that was putting on a show for us
Our little fairy princess is having a party. I quickly whipped these up for her friends.
She is having a Fairy Tea party on her birthday.

Wednesday we made these for Jarred and Kloe's kindy/school parties. Jarred had a great time helping me
Here we are before we left. Very rare event having a photo of the two of us.

Very proud of this boy. He received an Outstanding Achievement Award. He has done extremely well again this year and his report reflected this. He loves maths and is working at a level well above his year.

Receiving his Graduation Certificate for Year 6

Yes, yes..............I was a total embarrassment (again!!) There was a huge auditorium filled with people and I was one of the very few, that was taking photos. I told Zac, that I want to remember these special achievements.

Yesterday Jarred had his kindy graduation/concert/party. Photos still to come.

Very proud of this boy. He received an Outstanding Achievement Award. He has done extremely well again this year and his report reflected this. He loves maths and is working at a level well above his year.

Receiving his Graduation Certificate for Year 6

Yes, yes..............I was a total embarrassment (again!!) There was a huge auditorium filled with people and I was one of the very few, that was taking photos. I told Zac, that I want to remember these special achievements.

Yesterday Jarred had his kindy graduation/concert/party. Photos still to come.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Reindeer Food

This is a very easy and fun project, to get the kids involved with. We have made this for the last few years. Jarred and Kloe have taken, a bag of this, for each of their school/kindy friends.
Instructions can be found HERE
Monday, December 15, 2008
3 Angels Christmas Projects
This week at 3AS the lovely Jo and Rosy, sent me some Cosmo Cricket PP and some Studio D tiny Alpha stamps, to have a little play with. I made some bon bons, using the PP and made little name tags with the stamps.

I also picked up these clear plastic baubles, added a little bit of decoration and you have nice keepsake from '08. (Apologises for the bad photo, it has been raining for a few days)

I also picked up these clear plastic baubles, added a little bit of decoration and you have nice keepsake from '08. (Apologises for the bad photo, it has been raining for a few days)

We had a busy weekend. We went to Warnambool on Saturday to do some shopping. It was pouring with rain, not the best day, to be in and out of the car. I got supplies for Kloe's birthday party next month, picked up some fabric from Spotlight. Chris got new shoes, Jarred and Kloe spent their Christmas money from Nan. Saturday night Chris and I went out alone - Kayla's friend Demi came over and the girls looked after everyone. We went to our neighbours house to celebrate Chrissie's 50th Birthday. It was a great trial run for us and the kids. They had their own party and didn't miss us one little bit. We arrived home in the early hours of Sunday morning - way past my bedtime. It was a great night - I laughed so much I was crying. Our neighbours are always very entertaining.
Yesterday cricket and the cricket Christmas party were canceled due to the rain. Kloe had her friend, Willow's birthday party in the afternoon.
Last week of school/kindy this week. Lots of parties and activities going on - It will be a busy one.
Have a great week
Friday, December 12, 2008
Christmas Goodies
Today has been a great day for staying inside and making some Christmas goodies. It has rained all day. I'm not complaining because we desperately need the rain.
Kayla and Jarred helped make Chocolate Puddings - Instructions can be found HERE. I have boxed some up, in a clear box, ready to give our neighbours tomorrow.

We also made Yummy trees - another super easy recipe, that we use all through the year. At Christmas time they are trees, Easter we shape them into eggs. At other times just balls and we roll them in coconut.
200g Arrowroot biscuits crushed
1 cup coconut
2 Tbs Cocoa
1 tin of condensed milk
Mix it all together. Wet your hands and mold into tree shapes. Drizzle with white chocolate and sprinkle with something pretty. We only had 100's & 1000's.
And some gingerbread men - I rolled and cut, Jarred and Kayla decorated, while sampling.

And when Kloe got home from school, we put together our gingerbread house. I picked this up from Aldi, it was $10. The only thing that wasn't included was the icing.
Kayla and Jarred helped make Chocolate Puddings - Instructions can be found HERE. I have boxed some up, in a clear box, ready to give our neighbours tomorrow.

We also made Yummy trees - another super easy recipe, that we use all through the year. At Christmas time they are trees, Easter we shape them into eggs. At other times just balls and we roll them in coconut.
200g Arrowroot biscuits crushed
1 cup coconut
2 Tbs Cocoa
1 tin of condensed milk
Mix it all together. Wet your hands and mold into tree shapes. Drizzle with white chocolate and sprinkle with something pretty. We only had 100's & 1000's.
And some gingerbread men - I rolled and cut, Jarred and Kayla decorated, while sampling.

And when Kloe got home from school, we put together our gingerbread house. I picked this up from Aldi, it was $10. The only thing that wasn't included was the icing.
Thank you
I would just like to say, a big thank you, to everyone who has taken the time, to leave a comment here, ring or send me an email.
I really do appreciate all your lovely comments. Each and everyone, means a lot to me.
Still can't believe it!!
And I still haven't received my copy of the mag yet :(
I really do appreciate all your lovely comments. Each and everyone, means a lot to me.
Still can't believe it!!
And I still haven't received my copy of the mag yet :(
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Are you sure?
The word is out
I have been named a Scrapbooking Memories Master for 2008
Let's just say, I still can't believe it!!
When I got the call - the first thing I said was "Are you sure? Me...........are you sure?"
I am still feeling that way. I wasn't even going to enter - I didn't think I was up to the standard. It was a last minute decision and I must admit it was because, Chris and Rach told me I should give it ago. Just try...........was what they said. I worked with what I had at home. I didn't go out and buy anything, just for my projects. Poor Rach, was there with the shoulder, when I had a total melt down. Chris didn't give up, until I had sent my entry off.
I just want to say a huge thank you, to two very special people, who believed in me, when I didn't believe in myself. Thanks you to my gorgeous hubby Chris and my very special and dear friend Rach. This would not have been possible without you. And also a big thanks to my Dad, who rang every week, because he was sure, that I was going to get that call, when I didn't.
Thank you also, to my friend Joyce, who introduced me to scrapbooking, while living in Jabiru. You started this obsession in my life - thanks.
And to everyone else..........Believe in yourself and TRY!! Anything is possible
Congratulations to the other ladies, that are on that list. I look forward to getting to know you and working with you.
A huge congratulations to my friend Rach - who got several honorable mentions for her projects. I am so proud of you.
I am still waiting for my copy - I can't wait to see the real thing!!!
I have been named a Scrapbooking Memories Master for 2008
Let's just say, I still can't believe it!!
When I got the call - the first thing I said was "Are you sure? Me...........are you sure?"
I am still feeling that way. I wasn't even going to enter - I didn't think I was up to the standard. It was a last minute decision and I must admit it was because, Chris and Rach told me I should give it ago. Just try...........was what they said. I worked with what I had at home. I didn't go out and buy anything, just for my projects. Poor Rach, was there with the shoulder, when I had a total melt down. Chris didn't give up, until I had sent my entry off.
I just want to say a huge thank you, to two very special people, who believed in me, when I didn't believe in myself. Thanks you to my gorgeous hubby Chris and my very special and dear friend Rach. This would not have been possible without you. And also a big thanks to my Dad, who rang every week, because he was sure, that I was going to get that call, when I didn't.
Thank you also, to my friend Joyce, who introduced me to scrapbooking, while living in Jabiru. You started this obsession in my life - thanks.
And to everyone else..........Believe in yourself and TRY!! Anything is possible
Congratulations to the other ladies, that are on that list. I look forward to getting to know you and working with you.
A huge congratulations to my friend Rach - who got several honorable mentions for her projects. I am so proud of you.
I am still waiting for my copy - I can't wait to see the real thing!!!
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Reindeer cards
Today it was my turn, to do a sample card for the Twelve Weeks of Christmas at 3AS. I made these very cute and easy Reindeer cards. This is a great project for the kids to do - Jarred and Kloe, both made one for their teachers. Template and instructions can be found HERE

Using the same template - just resized

Using the same template - just resized

Monday, December 08, 2008
Sunday, December 07, 2008
3AS University Comp - Sign up now
3AS University begins on February 1, 2009.
To be in the running for the two major prizes you need to enrol and pass all 5 core subjects (English, Maths, Science, History, Geography). A pass entails completing and submitting the subject's task/assignment on time.
Extra credit points can be gained by enrolling in electives ( Economics, Business, Graphics and Computer Technology, Literature, Art, Psychology, LOTE (Language Other Than English), Home Ec, Phys Ed and Dance)
To be in running for the minor prizes you do not have to complete all core subjects.Each subject on offer will be run by a professor (AKA DT member) who will set a specific task or assignment for you to complete. For each completed subject you earn credit points towards graduation.
Extra credit assignments will also be on offer for each core subject and some electives. Each professor will assign bonus points to the top 10 students in each subject. Credits will be recorded in the student's profile which will be updated weekly.
The competition is open to all 3AS members. If you are not a member yet, joining is easy.Tuition is free. No HECS fees here!
Winners of each elective will be announced weekly. (refer to timeline)Overall winner and runner-up will be announced on March 20.
A merit prize will be awarded for each core and elective subject. There are goodie packs, shopping vouchers, etc to be won. Each minor prize is awarded by the professor of that particular subject and will vary from subject to subject. It is up to the professor of the subject to determine on how the prize will be awarded.There will also be a major prize for the most outstanding student with the highest credit points and a runner-up prize going to the student with the second highest credit points at the end of the course.The runner-up will receive a magazine subscription of their choice and the winner will win a fabulous MM Slice.
Enrol HERE
To be in the running for the two major prizes you need to enrol and pass all 5 core subjects (English, Maths, Science, History, Geography). A pass entails completing and submitting the subject's task/assignment on time.
Extra credit points can be gained by enrolling in electives ( Economics, Business, Graphics and Computer Technology, Literature, Art, Psychology, LOTE (Language Other Than English), Home Ec, Phys Ed and Dance)
To be in running for the minor prizes you do not have to complete all core subjects.Each subject on offer will be run by a professor (AKA DT member) who will set a specific task or assignment for you to complete. For each completed subject you earn credit points towards graduation.
Extra credit assignments will also be on offer for each core subject and some electives. Each professor will assign bonus points to the top 10 students in each subject. Credits will be recorded in the student's profile which will be updated weekly.
The competition is open to all 3AS members. If you are not a member yet, joining is easy.Tuition is free. No HECS fees here!
Winners of each elective will be announced weekly. (refer to timeline)Overall winner and runner-up will be announced on March 20.
A merit prize will be awarded for each core and elective subject. There are goodie packs, shopping vouchers, etc to be won. Each minor prize is awarded by the professor of that particular subject and will vary from subject to subject. It is up to the professor of the subject to determine on how the prize will be awarded.There will also be a major prize for the most outstanding student with the highest credit points and a runner-up prize going to the student with the second highest credit points at the end of the course.The runner-up will receive a magazine subscription of their choice and the winner will win a fabulous MM Slice.
Enrol HERE
Friday, December 05, 2008
TWOC - Decorated Candle
Twelve weeks of Christmas is in full swing at 3 Angels Scrapping. Today's project is these decorated candles
Thursday, December 04, 2008
It's spinning
I don't think I have blogged, about Kloe's silk worm. Kloe brought two silk worms home from school to care for, as part of their nature studies. Kloe was devastated when Jarred accidentally squashed one of the worms (oops!!!) She has cleaned and fed this silk worm for a few weeks now. This morning she came running out, very excited because the silk worm has started to spin. Here it is
Kloe made felt Christmas tree pencil toppers in art yesterday
And with her prize - she spent the afternoon, drawing and painting
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